Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Greener Christmas

Please help us here at Oakleigh to be greener this Christmas by bringing the following items into school in the New Year to be recycled...

Old batteries
Old unwanted toys
Used stamps (with cm border)
Sweet wrappers
Christmas cards

Thank you for supporting us to save our future planet. Have a lovely Christmas. 
The ECO committee 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

SECOND International Green Flag Award

This afternoon Miss Roseanne Hennessy visited us from Keep Wales tidy to assess us for the Eco Schools Green Flag Award.  She was very impressed by the whole school's enthusiasm for the Eco-Schools process, and the level of staff and pupil involvement with environmental issues raised by the programme. 

She was delighted on behalf of Keep Wales Tidy to inform Oakleigh House that their application for the Eco-Schools International Green Flag was successful.  Miss Hennessy was pleased with the presentation the children had put together and spoke about and the tour she had of the school.

Mrs Ferriman and Miss Palmer are very proud of how hard everyone has worked to achieve this fantastic award.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Oakleigh House quickly achieves next step towards becoming a FairTrade school!

Oakleigh House is now a FairActive school.
We did this by holding a FairTrade assembly, setting up a Fairtrade group which is made up of our current ECO and School Council groups.  We created an Action Plan of how we could become a FairActive school and set about completing our goals.  We hold various Fairtrade events throughout the year and now we are going to challenge ourselves even further and work towards achieving the next award - FairAchiever!

'The Fairtrade Schools Award is a campaign that gives primary and secondary school students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of global issues and the solution that Fairtrade is for so many farmers and workers in marginalised conditions across the globe.  The Fairtrade Schools Award is not only about teaching the students the issue, the award aims to teach them how they can be involved in changing the world around them, encouraging them to know that they can make a difference, that through supporting and promoting Fairtrade in your school, they can empower farmers and workers in marginalised countries.'

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Oakleigh starts its journey to become a FairTrade School


We are really pleased to announce that we have started our journey to become a FairTrade School. We achieved our FairAware award this week and are hoping to continue our journey to becoming a FairTrade school during this term... Can you think of any other ways we can become a FairTrade school?


thomas franks contract caterer

The Eco Committee is really pleased to announce that we have successfully reduced our Food Waste! 

They have been measuring the food waste over the past few terms and noticed a decrease in the amount of food we are throwing away. The new healthy menu designed closely with the school council and our cook Dawn is satisfying for all our pupils and offers a range of locally produced, healthy foods which are in season. 

Donate a used backpack...

Oakleigh House School pupils and staff were delighted to welcome members of Rotary International into school to deliver a special fundraising assembly.  Rotary International works with and within their local communities to raise funds for a wide range of charitable causes and projects.  This term Oakleigh House pupils have been collecting used backpacks for children to use in developing countries.  Many school children in Africa and India are desperate for education and walk many miles every day to attend under funded schools.  Oakleigh House pupils were excited to be given the opportunity to donate a used backpack, so it can aid the education of less advantaged children.
This project is still in its early stages and if you would like to get involved visit their website


To end the busy autumn term all pupils from Reception onwards lead a Carol Service at St James's Church, Uplands.  The Carol Service was attended by parents and friends of the school.  The pupils read poems and sung Chritmas songs. 
It was a wonderful end to the term and everyone left feeling that Christmas had arrived.


We were delighted to welcome Mrs Dawn Williams to Oakleigh House again this year.  Mrs Williams called to collect our presents for the Mr X appeal.  The School Council raised money to buy the presents by selling their own Christmas Cards.


... then you will be in for a pleasant surprise as Oakleigh House School are now having Forest sessions from Nursery to Year 6. All the children thoroughly enjoy using the Nature Trail for these sessions on our school grounds. They make use of our new outdoor classroom weekly and have been learning all about features in a Forest and how we can use natural resources to make pictures/collages/models etc. Come and have a look at what we've been doing...


Highly regarded catering firm, Thomas Franks, have taken over the catering for the Acorns restaurant.  The children and staff are looking forward to enjoying locally sourced freshly prepared lunches each day. 

'Thomas Franks is a contract caterer with a passion for food, professionally presented through excellent service by using fresh, locally sourced ingredients in each and every meal we serve.'

thomas franks contract caterer


In July 2013 Oakleigh House School achieved Phase 1 Healthy Schools award. The School Council worked hard to collate evidence and to work with the school through the phase. The focus was on Food and Fitness; Safety and the Environment. 

'Oakleigh House School has achieved a great deal in their first year on the Healthy Schools Scheme and it was a privilege to assess a school that is achieving so much. It was lovely to see evidence of parent and community involvement as well as partnership working with other organisations.'

Next we will be working towards our Phase 2 so watch this space to see our developments and achievements in the next coming months. 



In June 2012 Mr Gerry Taylor came to assess us for the Eco Schools Green Flag Award.  He was very impressed by the whole school's enthusiasm for the Eco-Schools process, and the level of staff and pupil involvement with environmental issues raised by the programme. 
He reported "...Excellent Eco-linked curriculum work by all age groups; Lots of staff and community involvement; Enthusiastic and knowledgeable pupils during the tour; an all-round ESDGC school with well-integrated Healthy School, Fair Trade, Nature Detectives etc."
He was also able to record that the school site was completely litter free - Grade 'A' - Well done!
He was delighted on behalf of Keep Wales Tidy to inform Oakleigh House that their application for the Eco-Schools International Green Flag was successful.  The Award has been given without preconditions.  
Mrs Ferriman is very proud of how hard everyone has worked to achieve this fantastic award.